
Koch-Chemie 1K-Nano — Paintwork Sealant

  • Gloss: 9,9
  • Bonds to the surface
  • Creates an extremely smooth, mirror finish with a deep sheen
  • Protects surface from UV radiation and chemicals
  • Durability: up to 12 months

Original price was: $276.95.Current price is: $234.95.

In stock

Once the paintwork has been perfected it’s necessary to protect the finish. Koch Chemie 1K-Nano Paint Sealant 250ml Kit is a machine-applied, durable sealant which lays down a protective layer, 5-8nm (nanometres) thick. Application with a Dual Action machine polisher ensures a uniform layer leaving a smooth, high gloss finish, exceptionally slick to the touch.

Unlike most conventional waxes and sealants which simply overlay lacquered surfaces, 1K-Nano forms a chemical bond with the substrate to give unbeatable longevity. Whilst traditional protections will wash away or degrade with exposure to the elements and harsh wash chemicals, 1K-Nano is resistant to extremes of pH, UV radiation and mechanical abrasion.

Once 1K is applied, the paintwork is protected perfectly and lastingly from adverse environmental factors. A unique easy-to-clean performance means that insects, bird droppings and other deposit build-ups can be removed much more quickly. As dirt and road grime will not adhere as fiercely to treated surfaces, the requirement for rubbing paintwork with a wash mitt is eliminated, reducing the chances of introducing swirls and making the wash process safer.

The durability is approx. 12 months, but this can be extended up to 36 months through regular manual after-care with NanoMagicShampoo (hand wash) or with NanoMagic Twin Wax (carwash) and the recommended annual paintwork inspection by an expert.

Cut: 0
Gloss: 9,9

Additional information

Weight 0.43 kg

250 ml

Best for

Cars, RVs

Suitable for

Professionals, Enthusiasts

Set contains

– 250 ml sealant in an aluminium bottle
– 75 ml dispensing bottle – sufficient for approx. one car
– sponge
– 5 certificates
– 5 flyers
– 5 stickers “Paint sealed with Koch-Chemie 1K-Nano”

Areas of use

Completely hardened paint on cars, commercial vehicles, motorbikes, etc.

Recommendations for use

A. Basic cleaning Before the polishing and sealing process, pre-clean/wash the vehicles thoroughly with an alkaline product (e.g. with Green Star, do not use sealing shampoos). In the case of coarse pollutants such as tree sap, rust bloom, tar, etc., pre-treat with cleaning clay, Tea or similar.

B. Preparing the paintwork
1. Heavy to medium-heavy weathering: Depending on the condition, treat the paintwork mechanically with Heavy Cut (312001) polishing compound polish and Feinschleifpaste (181001). Delete residues with Profi microfibre cloth* (999241).
2. Slightly weathered paintwork and paintwork treated following 1. (hologram removal): Apply Hochglanz-Antihologramm-Politur (182001) mechanically using an eccentric random orbit sander (e.g. Makita BO6040) and an orange anti-hologram pad (999256). Delete residues with Profi microfibre cloth.
3. New paintwork (without holograms and scratches) and paintwork treated following 2.: From here, wear suitable gloves. Wipe all surfaces gently with a clean Profi microfibre cloth* (999241) soaked in Sil (207005), and directly before the surface dries, wipe again with a second, new Profi microfibre cloth* in your other hand. This way, surfactants, drying aids, the oil contained in polishes, etc., be deleted, and crosslinking problems of the 1K-Nano be avoided.
Attention: with sensitive uni or one-layer lacquers, Sil should be diluted 1:4 with water to avoid possible matting. Repolish the last streaks gently with another clean Profi microfibre cloth*. The paint should now have a surface free of scratches and holograms in sunlight or a paintwork check with a sodium vapour lamp. After this step, do not touch the paintwork again with the palms or fingers (danger of interlinking faults, wear gloves). The surface is now perfectly prepared for 1K-Nano sealing.

C. Paintwork sealing
1. For working with 1K-Nano, observe the recommended ambient temperature of 15-30°C. It is essential for working and setting to take place inside and not in the open.
2. Shake the aluminium bottle thoroughly before use and fill the supplied plastic bottle (75ml). This amount is usually sufficient for a medium-sized vehicle. If not enough 1K-Nano is applied, the sealing quality will suffer. Apply sealant only to set (see information below) painted surfaces fully.
3. Apply 1K-Nano ideally mechanically (mechanical application is urgently recommended in particular with single-layer and dark uni lacquers!) using an orbital sander without forced orbit at low speed and with a black finishing pad (999292), alternatively manually with a white pad (999038) without pressure in sections (max. 1 component: bonnet, door, wing, etc.). Buff approx. for 2-3 minutes, always apply a fresh sealant. In the polishing process, make several closely overlapping tracks to guarantee saturation interlinking and avoid clouding (uneven colour intensification). After these 2-3 minutes, do not apply any more fresh sealant and continue to polish until a continuous film without drop formation (runs) is created. 3. Wait 2-3 minutes, then polish the now completely dry film by hand with a clean Profi microfibre cloth* to a high gloss.
4. After approx. 1-2 hours reaction time, the sealant has hardened so that there is now a long-term seal resistant to chemicals and wear. Any streaks (excess product) are caused by the reaction process and can be removed after the hardening period with a Profi microfibre cloth* or are eliminated the first time the vehicle is washed (at the earliest after three days).

Attention: do not use fresh repair paints! Repainted surfaces require a hardening period of approx. 6-8 weeks before the sealant can be applied. OEM paints with new vehicles can be sealed directly. During work, make sure there are sufficient ventilation and fresh air! Because of the reactive components, 1K-Nano is kept in a tightly sealed aluminium bottle. Pour any leftover product back into the aluminium bottle after work, recap the bottle immediately and store it upright at all times. After opening, the shelf life is approx—one year.

*When working with 1K-Nano, use only the ultrasonically cut Profi microfibre cloth (999241) because poorer quality cloths contain finishes such as fabric softeners, silicone derivatives, etc., thus preventing interlinking on the paint. Always use several clean materials to prevent residues from being carried over and undesirable interlinking faults.

Attention: do not use fresh repair paints! Repainted surfaces require a hardening period of approx. 6-8 weeks before the sealant can be applied. OEM paints with new vehicles can be sealed directly. During work, make sure there are sufficient ventilation and fresh air! Because of the reactive components, 1K-Nano is kept in a tightly sealed aluminium bottle. Pour any leftover product back into the aluminium bottle after work, recap the bottle immediately and store it upright at all times. After opening, the shelf life is approx—one year.

*When working with 1K-Nano, use only the ultrasonically cut Profi microfibre cloth (999241) because poorer quality cloths contain finishes such as fabric softeners, silicone derivatives, etc., and thus prevent interlinking on the paint. Always use several clean materials to prevent residues from being carried over and undesirable interlinking faults.


Before using, check suitability and compatibility.


This product information can advise you only without obligation. Liability on our part can not be derived. Please, check whether the product is suitable for your application. We will be pleased to assist you.


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